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Taking Responsibility for your Own Healing

By, Angela M. La Scala, RMT

published December 11, 2019


Are you taking responsibility for your own Healing?

There is nothing more rewarding than having a key role in someone's healing journey.  My heart fills with gratitude when my clients report back to me, that their reiki sessions are improving their lifestyle in more ways than they have ever imagined.  It is the kind of feedback that every Reiki practitioner strives and hopes for, but it is not always the case.

Since I have been on this Reiki life path, I recognize two main types of clients.  One type is the "pro-active client". These clients have a clear goal: to make a change that will return balance and harmony to their mind, body, and spirit. They know this change is needed. They know that they have the power to make the choice to make this change; and they are willing and open to working with their practitioner to meet these goals.  They are a "team player", willing to let go of "limited beliefs", willing to have an open-mind, willing to see things from another perspective. Most importantly, they are willing to take a very "active" role in their self-healing journey.  They understand that it took years of dis-ease to manifest, and attach to their body, mind and/or spirit; and that it takes time to recognize the sources of dis-ease that need to be released.  Being this type of client, does not mean that all tasks come easy to them, it just means that they are simply committed to reaching their goal.

The second type of client is the "passive client".  This client wants all the same things as the "pro-active" client.  They have all the same goals and want the same results. Some of them know that they have the power to make the choices to make the change, but some need to be made aware of their inner power. They tend to be eager to accept the "reiki homework", but once they get home, they lose sight of their goals and become complacent in their practice.  Perhaps it is because they don't quite believe that the power of self-healing lies within them. They tend to have more confidence in their practitioner, rather than themselves, to help them heal, or perhaps they do not exactly want the responsibility.  The “passive client” tends to complain that they've tried everything, and nothing seems to work for them! They question why that "great feeling" during a session only lasts a day or two. The "passive client” is always looking for someone else to do the work and someone else to blame! They believe one session is like casting a magic wand and poof, all is well! If only, we all could have it this easy!!! Truth is these folks don't do their homework, yet they want to graduate!   It is human nature to want a quick fix, and I truly get that. Do not worry, I am not judging, we have ALL been the "passive client", but now, I invite you to be the Pro-active client"!

As a Reiki Practitioner, I am dedicated to educating my clients through the practice of Reiki and I emphasize practice.  Many dedicated practitioners offer tools to their clients, such as meditations, breath work, crystal or color therapy, affirmations, and mantra work, and even goal setting and so much more!   We work very hard at developing a plan for our clients' specific needs and goals simply because we care about their well-being, and our commitment to serving others. I promise you, if you work closely with your practitioner and work with the practices and tools, that they provide you: with time, and dedication, you will begin seeing results while freeing yourself from dis-ease.  Acting as co-partner with your Reiki practitioner is your first step, and then you can begin taking the reins in your own healing journey! With just a little practice you can switch from the passenger seat to the driver seat and that is how you become the "pro-active" client; that is how you begin to take back your own Power,  It is that simple!

We Reiki practitioners are happy to guide you with our  trusted “tried and true" tools that took us years to learn, so that we can teach you how to use them for yourself, so take advantage of what you are offered!

But we remind you the healing from Reiki does not take place on the Reiki Table in the way you may think it takes place

What takes place, on my Reiki table, is that I offer you:

An invitation, to honor yourself and your healing journey, by trusting that you own the power of self-healing;

An invitation, to come into being fully present; guiding you to release anger from your past, and release worry for the future;

An invitation, to be grateful in this very moment as your heart beats to every inhale and exhale;

An invitation, to acknowledge and accept your true, authentic, beautiful self; and

An invitation, to open your heart, to both receive and give compassion with ease. 

I offer you the invitation to sit in the driver seat and allow me to watch you thrive and bloom!

What you do with your invitation, is for you to decide. Whether you choose to be “passive” or you choose to be “pro-active” is  ultimately your responsibility and this is how your self-healing begins… or not.

When you leave my session, hold onto that invitation, and know that your self-healing journey continues for as long as you choose for it to continue!

Next time you visit your Reiki Practitioner, make the most of your session and I hope you choose to be the pro-active, Driver on the road to your healing journey!  Remember this…your body, your mind, your spirit…your choice, and your responsibility!


©️2019 Angela Mia La Scala | REiKi ViBRATiONS

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