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Give the Gift of Light this Holiday Season!

Stress triggers the adrenals and the adrenals then secrete highly active hormones of adrenaline and cortisol, which sets the body up for a "fight or flight" mode. You may not notice the effects of stress immediately because like any other dis-ease, it takes time for it to build up before the body "feels" its impact.

If you have noticed that lately you have been irritable, over-tired, restless, indecisive, and no amount of sleep is rejuvenating you, you probably are already in stress mode.

The Holidays are a wonderful time of giving and receiving, but the stress of the hustle and bustle can get to us! The festive get-togethers with friends and family, office parties, shopping online or even the waiting "in-line" at the local stores can cause us much unnecessary stress that acts as a "thief of joy", and who needs that during the holidays?

Reiki can slow down the "flight or fight" mode allowing the cortisol levels to level out and the heart rate to slow down. The slow and deep breathing that is invited into your healing space, quickly allows your body to do what it is meant to do, rest so that it can heal.

We are often our own worst enemy and we do not take the time we deserve to practice self-care. Caring for oneself is by no means a self-ish act, it is a self-full-filling act that allows us to fill up our cups and replenish so that we may then be able to offer love to those we care about!

If you would like to treat yourself or a Loved one this Holiday season, to a Distance Reiki Guided Meditation Session, an Oracle Card reading or a Chakra Assessment, and if you would like to try something new, Schedule an Self-Empowerment Coaching Session and Learn tools on how to heal yourself ! If interested, contact me. Discounts offered for combo packages!

We now have Gift Certificates that can be emailed right to your inbox!

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